Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Green Market 結業了

同学們, Green Market 結業了... 以後只剩賤格market了...
集体回憶, 不限地域...

[quote:Closure of Green Market]

The Greenmarket opened as part of Eldon Square Shopping Centre in 1976. Some of the stall owners have been trading in the market all 31 years it has been open, including the March family, who have been selling fish in the city for 110 years...


Have Your Say
What do you think about the closure of the Greenmarket? Are you sad or pleased to see it go? Have your say here...

Lee O'Neil
Why replace all of these shops with one or two large stores . The greenmarket was a family of shops which offered a wide range of choice. Yes things have to move on with modern times but the council have to leave some history in the town. Fancy pubs /casinos & so on the only history in Newcastle will be headstones in the graveyard. There most likley planning there next victim to takeover. That the council for you. I hope all the owners do really well Best of Luck for the future ahead.

K. Thomas
I disagree that the area will look better. It will have lost its character and begin to look like everywhere else. A Shopping centre does not attract people to a city. Its beauty, individuality, unique features and history does. I always take my visitors to the Market as well as other unique sights of Newcastle. They never want to go to the Eldon Square shopping centre!! Almost everywhere I go in the Western world the High Street looks the same now. Same name shops, same stuff in them. Newcastle is a wonderful city. Stop destroying it.

Jake Smith
Its a shame to lose something with identity but the building itself and the area was very dated and needed modernising. Newcastle is changing and sadly not everything can stay the same. At the end of all this the area will look better and the people of Newcastle will have a shopping centre that will attract even more people to experience this fine city!

Ann Bullock
i think it is very very sad that the Green Market in Newcastle has now closed it broke my heart to hear that is was closing as i lived in Newcastle all my life i now only come now & again to shop as i dont even live there any more

Paul Clark
the place was way past it's sell by date, so it was time to move on. No doubt the traders have got a few bob out of it, good luck to them.

When such wonderful places have survived against the inferior supermarkets they should be backed up not closed. I am as many will be, gutted and will never shop for food at a supermarket, another tradegy for the real people and real food.

George Anthony
I think it is a good thing as times have to move on

Brian James
It's such a shame, it has been a way of life for the tradres and shopers for decades, it appears that the big supermarkets are taking away our heritage and culture, absolute disgrace.

bit of a disgrace really. what do newcastle city council want?? more faceless, multinational brand names??

i have always loved it's uniqueness.people came from afar because it was so unique.i will be very very sad to see it go, as will thousands of other shopaholicks.not to mention buisnesses and empolees.i hope the council are happy, we're certainly not.

Rob James
Best wishes to the forgotten heroes...the market inspectors. I hope the 2 Daves and Ivan are being re-deployed elsewhere. As a former sub-contractor who repaired the doors on many occasions, I was always amazed by the amount of people that visited the place. Good luck to all that are being moved out!

Monday, January 29, 2007


昨, 長夜多夢... 由於最後一個夢較接近夢醒時分...特別記得清楚,更顯其荒誕...
話說無厘由造訪林宅(按:林銀紙 by 曹超人), 但應該並非半山正宅... 反而有D似太古城...

大家一人一張紅A櫈仔, 坐在露台大譚養魚經... (Wa! 我好似養乜都X噃, 大膽到吹養魚心經)
不過, 如果你見到有人在浴缸內養錦鯉, 但全副武裝, 一絲不苟, 相信自信心都會增强咗...

良久, 阿林太凝視著我道: "啊! 整個月沒見了, 工作如何?"

"Am... 不錯, 還好... 不過我初次上來(造訪), 妳可能認錯人了!"我吱唔着

她好像滿不在乎, 但不知何如應對(我心裹想這是最common的客套話吧? 我可是魔童啊!)

我唯有打圓場: "係呀, 我係Messenger, MSN messenger 呀!"

聽罷, 見她跟女傭人摟作一團(好像好姊妹般), Ka ka 大笑 "MSN messanger... ka ka ka..."
(唔通林太成日MSN? 咪比渣沽知道呀! 佢好鬼唔nike ga!特別在上斑時分)

接着, 看見地台內有水積... (唔知係咪頭先飲荼時留下...)

連隨找個地拖, 喺咁拖... 但越拖越大鑊...

林生忽然道: "啊, 樓上滲水啊... 套Hi-Fi 可要弄壞了..."

我看着露臺的天花, 確實濕透了...

但... 天花6英呎高還不到, headroom怎的好像不合此比例? 想了想便睡醒了...


小學時候,你有否戲謔身旁口音唔正的新移民同學? 有否對叫阿燦或姓和名字祗有兩個字的小朋友投以[注目]禮...

如果有的話, 這些都可能是你給予他們發奮的原動力...

划太遠了, 雖然話真人show在與世隔絕的玻璃[膠屋]內進行, 但投票的人卻在[隔絕]之外, 沒有受到輿論壓力的影嚮?


印度西施? / 波斯小昭? 確實不同凡響...

難怪2400多年前, 老聃教我們要虛下、要弱柔... 那管他大叫大嚷"內定、內定..."
[Quote: Shilpa Shetty on-line;]

Friday, January 26, 2007




接著, 一個身手矯健的年輕人, 穿起神聖的紫藍紅間Bacra球衣, 一跌不跌的在閃避一眾後衛的攔截...

最後, 他給超技術絆倒了... 但同時間, 這個年輕人已將皮球送進網窩了...

這是(不是 / 因失傳了)一個TVads. 是一個一剔過的球賽片段...

這個年輕人叫做Ronaldo Luis Nazário de Lima...

後來, 他為個人及國家帶來無數榮譽...
[Quote: Ronaldo]

也贏盡了無數廣告商、球會及球迷的金錢... 及美女...

因此, 他的腳步給拖慢了下來, 他開始有身孕... 他長了雞眼... 雙腿玻璃化...


"足球是我的朋友" 戴志偉(大空翼)


他終於找到新老細了... 可不是呆子吧?
[quote: AC Milan]

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


記得Carriefour在香港的死因嗎? 公平? 何曾是絕對...

By the way, 蘋果裡的蘋果批於January 18th, 2007一篇"勁歌金曲最XXX女歌手"對[公平]有深層定義... [Quote: 勁歌金曲最XXX女歌手]


UK grocers face competition probe

The control of land by Britain's supermarkets is set to be highlighted in a key Competition Commission report.
Campaign groups have criticised supermarkets including Tesco for owning large areas of undeveloped land across the UK, stifling potential competition.

But the supermarkets argue their ownership of so-called "land banks" has not distorted competition.

The outline report is also expected to examine whether aggressive pricing is forcing small shops out of business.

Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Morrisons control almost 75% of the UK grocery market.

Watchdogs have previously said that the buying power of the big supermarkets could distort competition.

Property concerns

Tesco, which accounts for £1 in every £3 spent in the UK on groceries, currently has the largest land development portfolio of the major supermarkets.

At least two of the Competition Commission inquiry's six panel members want Tesco to give up some of the land it owns for further development, according to a recent Sunday Times report.

But Tesco, the UK's largest supermarket with a market share of more than 30%, has vigorously defended its position and said that it does not believe it has done anything wrong.

It said it would be "surprised" if the probe into the UK's supermarkets called for it to sell off some of the undeveloped sites it owns.

The Competition Commission's "emerging thinking" document is also expected to examine the relationship between the big supermarkets and suppliers, amid allegations that supermarkets' buying power has increased.

Further claims that the retail giants are distorting competition through their pricing behaviour - such as below-cost selling and price flexing - are also being investigated.

The Competition Commission's full report is expected to be published next year.

[Quote: Story from BBC NEWS:
UK grocers face competition probe]

Monday, January 22, 2007

Blu-Ray 王巧

難抵擋她雙眼睛的魅力 多吸引一顆痴心似著了魔
難擋她週身奔放的熱力 喜歡她早已拋開心中怯懦
沒法拒那心魔 那聲音似比一首怨歌
慾與愛 滿心窩 心 想要說聲 Encore

她的美麗眼波 她的美麗笑渦
她的冶艷惹火 咀巴似在噴火
不可拒絕我亦承認 我極傻 徒嘆奈何
她的美麗眼波 她的美麗笑渦
她的誘惑太多 好比美麗禁果
她的態度似是謎樣 怎捉摸 問怎捉摸

[Quote: 甜蜜的禁果 /
曲:小田裕一郎 詞:鄭國江 編:羅迪]

Thursday, January 18, 2007

電視撈飯 (美心MX反擊戰?)

自幼家貧, 當其他鄰居更換'彩電'時, 家裡還有個唔知幾時先壞嘅黑白電視機(後來我知道要一件物件壞喺好easy嘅事 <---奸笑), 還不是隨時、隨地有得看... 之但喺開飯時一定有得看, 因為先母話要看新聞woh!
定喺用來掩飾唔夠餸嘅日子呢? 哈! 講笑咋, 老媽子...(次次蒸蛋同蒸肉餅個碟都比我搶來盛飯撈汁就知我喺妳no.1 fans la!)
不過都好久沒有夢見妳了... 要保重啊! 咪比老豆飲咁多啤酒呀...

想當時先母都是電視撈飯的狂熱份子(甚麽家變、狂潮當然不可少), 作為兒女當然要撑這個米飯班主啦! 有得食、有得睇, 乎復何求?

昨夜, 在金巴利道上, 驚覺...原來電視撈飯的日子, 是可以這樣近...


Dairy Farm 住喺星加坡, (0341)在神州片地開花...


Saturday, January 06, 2007


[轉貼 / Quote:Father of Instant Noodles]


還已為小時候, 80年代初,初嘗第一口instant noodles時, 其為新產物...
猶記起, 當時先母和鄰居彭師奶紛紛議論: "哎吔, X師奶, 唔好煮咁多即食麵比D細蚊仔食呀! D 麵上有層腊
架! 食得多個胃形成一層膜, 阻礙吸收架..., 好似話喺日本食死人, 先喺香港賣咋(話! 乜講到咁大?
), D 味精又喺無益架... 哎, 不過如果真喺要食, 學我煮時, 頭一浸水, 先倒掉...再煲水沖味粉啦..."

先父曾經由(未經証實)小道消息向小學霖透露: "即食麵其實為戰略用品, 行軍時, 省洗米煮飯時間...乃戰敗後之傑作, 云云..."

就這樣... 在這種陰霾下... 小學霖在飢餓交迫嘅情形下... 冒死進食即食麵, 而麵零己有二十多載...

而即食麵在許多年前, 已經進化為杯裝...

負笈英倫其間, 在唐人街, 同學們指明要買大埔工業邨出嘅原味, 不要Amsterdam 出嘅水貨...

最深刻還是那個回程時, 飛機上送的番茄味杯麵... 喺! 無錯, 喺番茄味... 口味呢回事... 唉!