Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Green Market 結業了

同学們, Green Market 結業了... 以後只剩賤格market了...
集体回憶, 不限地域...

[quote:Closure of Green Market]

The Greenmarket opened as part of Eldon Square Shopping Centre in 1976. Some of the stall owners have been trading in the market all 31 years it has been open, including the March family, who have been selling fish in the city for 110 years...


Have Your Say
What do you think about the closure of the Greenmarket? Are you sad or pleased to see it go? Have your say here...

Lee O'Neil
Why replace all of these shops with one or two large stores . The greenmarket was a family of shops which offered a wide range of choice. Yes things have to move on with modern times but the council have to leave some history in the town. Fancy pubs /casinos & so on the only history in Newcastle will be headstones in the graveyard. There most likley planning there next victim to takeover. That the council for you. I hope all the owners do really well Best of Luck for the future ahead.

K. Thomas
I disagree that the area will look better. It will have lost its character and begin to look like everywhere else. A Shopping centre does not attract people to a city. Its beauty, individuality, unique features and history does. I always take my visitors to the Market as well as other unique sights of Newcastle. They never want to go to the Eldon Square shopping centre!! Almost everywhere I go in the Western world the High Street looks the same now. Same name shops, same stuff in them. Newcastle is a wonderful city. Stop destroying it.

Jake Smith
Its a shame to lose something with identity but the building itself and the area was very dated and needed modernising. Newcastle is changing and sadly not everything can stay the same. At the end of all this the area will look better and the people of Newcastle will have a shopping centre that will attract even more people to experience this fine city!

Ann Bullock
i think it is very very sad that the Green Market in Newcastle has now closed it broke my heart to hear that is was closing as i lived in Newcastle all my life i now only come now & again to shop as i dont even live there any more

Paul Clark
the place was way past it's sell by date, so it was time to move on. No doubt the traders have got a few bob out of it, good luck to them.

When such wonderful places have survived against the inferior supermarkets they should be backed up not closed. I am as many will be, gutted and will never shop for food at a supermarket, another tradegy for the real people and real food.

George Anthony
I think it is a good thing as times have to move on

Brian James
It's such a shame, it has been a way of life for the tradres and shopers for decades, it appears that the big supermarkets are taking away our heritage and culture, absolute disgrace.

bit of a disgrace really. what do newcastle city council want?? more faceless, multinational brand names??

i have always loved it's uniqueness.people came from afar because it was so unique.i will be very very sad to see it go, as will thousands of other shopaholicks.not to mention buisnesses and empolees.i hope the council are happy, we're certainly not.

Rob James
Best wishes to the forgotten heroes...the market inspectors. I hope the 2 Daves and Ivan are being re-deployed elsewhere. As a former sub-contractor who repaired the doors on many occasions, I was always amazed by the amount of people that visited the place. Good luck to all that are being moved out!


Elaine said...

Re: 我上個月去frankfurt既H&M,佢已經轉左賣hello kitty,你會唔會有興趣?

學 霖 山 莊 said...

Oh! Great! My cousin's daughter is a big fans of Kitty...

Thanks a lot!